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Brand Ambassador Agreement

Thanks for considering becoming a Brand Ambassador for Nickies Collection LLC. Once selected you will receive a promo code (as well a free service )which your followers can use to receive discounts. This code will also help us track customers you bring to us .Based on this your contract will be renewed every 60 days.

I. INTRODUCTION - This contract was made on                                        

   This contract is between                                              & Nickie Collection LLC .

II. ACKNOWLEDGMENT - The advertiser and the influencer acknowledge the terms of this Contract and will comply.          


III. TERMS - This contract will begin on                                                 and last 60 days after . A new contract will be created for the renewal of the term based on sales brung in by the influencer.

IV. PAYMENT FEES - The total payment/products given will be                                                                      . Payment/Products will be made by   paypal/cashapp/agreed tender  . The products/ payment should be made at the start or during  the campaign.  The influencer will be liable for paying appropriate payment/ taxes for hair installment.


A. The influencer should create original content that is decent, honest, and factual.
B. An approval from the Nickies Collection LLC  before uploading the content.
C. The approved created content will be shared by the influencer a minimum of twice a week to his/her social media accounts listed above,as well as 1 video via Youtube review &/or social media video posted once within the 60 day contractual period.
D. The advertiser can request to the influencer to add tags, links, or titles in the description of the uploaded media.
E. The content should be compliant with the terms and conditions of the social media platform being used.
F. The content should not contain any vulgar language and should be suited for everyone.


VI. COPYRIGHT - Nickies Collection LLC   will own the copyright of the uploaded media. However, both parties are allowed to share it with their own respective channels.

VII. CONFIDENTIALITY - This contract is strictly confidential and only authorized persons are allowed to see.

VIII. AMENDMENT - This contract can only be changed or modified through the written consent of both parties (Advertiser and Influencer).

IX. GOVERNING LAW - This contract shall be governed under the laws of  the state of Texas  (USA).















                                                                           Date Contract Executed








Nickies Collection LLC

Company Signature

Influencer Signature

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